6 Ways To Celebrate Star War's Day From Home

It’s officially Star Wars Day, and there's no better holiday to stay at home and celebrate during isolation. From binge watching The Clone Wars to viewing all of the theatrical releases, here are some ways you can celebrate today.

1. Binge Watch the Shows and Movies

Of course, this would be the number one way! There are many ways you can celebrate by watching the shows and movies
  • TBS is hosting a marathon. You can view their schedule here
  • Disney+ Has all of the exclusive content your heart desires and would be the recommended way to relive the glory moments of the Star Wars universe
  • For Netflix users, Han Solo's origin Story Solo: A Star Wars Story is still available

2. Listen to Star Wars Music

Fill up your innermost domain with epic cinematic Star Wars Music! 

3. Make Star Wars food

Kick back and watch the greatest films of our time with some great grub!
Why not spice things up in a Star wars way and get creative in the kitchen? Here is a complete list of

4. Listen to a Star Wars Podcast

Catch up on the latest news and hear the opinions of others in the Star Wars Universe!
5. Exercise (Using Jedi Mind tricks Mentally and Physically) 

Image: Lucas Film
Courtesy of Amber Hope Personal Training, here is a Star Wars at home Friendly workout

  • Ten air squats while saying, “These are not the glutes you are looking for.”
  • Ten push-ups while saying, “Isolation of one's mind is strong.”
  • Ten crunches while saying, “Do or do not, there is no try”
  • Ten 30-sec plank holds while saying, “The greatest teacher, failure is.”
Check out the link above to see how you can help contribute to get this Star Wars legend a much deserved star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

I hope this provided you all with some fun Star Wars related ways to celebrate! May the Fourth be with you all! Send us pictures and let us know how you spent your day for a chance to appear in an article or social media post!

Article by: Amber Hope 
You can follow me @mcammertime

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